How to Use Google Analytics and Bing Webmaster Tools on Your Magic Page Site

How to Use Google Analytics and Bing Webmaster Tools on Your Magic Page Site
Using Google Analytics and Bing Webmaster Tools can help you optimize your website’s search engine traffic, improving its performance on Bing’s search results. Google Analytics and Bing Webmaster Tools are free, and multiuse. They measure the traffic to your site, monitor Google Search results, and track user interactions. Both provide critical feedback as well as helpful tips and suggestions which will improve your search results.

Bing Webmaster Tools: This is similar to Google’s Search Console, which allows you to monitor and troubleshoot your site’s presence. However, Bing Webmaster Tools has additional uses for SEO; including Search Keywords report and Sitemaps widget (Search Keywords to refine your keywords for traffic generation, Sitemaps for single-click access to your site).
You can use it to analyze web content, backlinks and inbound links to other sources or external websites, too. Bing also has an option to disavow links (request to have links ignored); a process where you can input a list of inbound links manually.

‘Tools’ helps you keep up to date with the performance of your site on Bing, Google, and Yahoo, as well as remove sites from inbound links that could cause a negative effect on your rankings; these would be directing the user away from your site rather than toward it. You can also add custom widgets, tailored to your own theme, in the left toolbar of your Bing account – which streamline your navigation.

Website Ownership: You can use Bing Webmaster Tools to check the status of your website’s ownership, by providing a list of verified sites. The list communicates the role each site holds in Bing’s index, while also showing any websites that link to your own. Here, you can submit your site to the ‘Bing Index Crawler’ (imagine computers sending programs to download content), in order to get alerts for any issues.

Google Analytics: This gives you information about visitors and clicks to your site. Information such as Impressions (if a user has seen a link to your site), Bounce Rate (percentage calculated by single page sessions divided by total sessions), Unique Visitors (number of distinct individuals), and Pageviews. It also lets you know how your site performs on mobile devices. Google Analytics is also combined with AdWords, offering seamless integration with AdSense also. You can also use it to import keywords from Bing Webmaster Tools, although, it is worth bearing in mind that the data Google Analytics provides is less comprehensive than that provided by different reporting tools.

Domain Connect: Bing Webmaster Tools supports this open standard, Domain Connect, which allows you to configure DNS from a web page. Using this, you can verify your website’s ownership by signing into your DNS provider account, and registering the site in Bing Webmaster Tools. Another way would be to place a CNAME record in your web server, or simply add a Bing tag to your page.

GTMetrix: Alternatively, MozCast or GTMetrix are more comprehensive tools, which offer detailed reports about your site’s performance on different browsers, search engines, and devices. GTMetrix allows you to make more visual results, in the form of tables and charts, with multiple integrations which enable you to analyze data from different sources.

Mike Martin
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